PilotingHistory (Resume/Biography) Dr.Richard L. Jaworski BallooningAchievements Dr.Jaworski pioneered hot air ballooning in Nebraska. In 1972, he wasthe first native Nebraskan licensed to fly a hot air balloon. In thefollowing 50 years, he accrued over 2,800 hours of flight which heshared with over 7,000 passengers and generated more than $360,000for the benefit of charitable organizations in Nebraska. He holdstwo world records for hot air balloon duration of flight and one fordistance of flight. All 50 years of his fight experience are in hotair balloon, Hegained worldwide recognition for his technical contributions to thesport of ballooning by his accomplishments which include theenhancement of the double-walled hot air balloon in which he holdsduration and distance world records; development of techniques forhigh altitude balloon deployment of a manned hang glider; anddevelopment of techniques for his several high-altitude long-distanceflights. Hehas shared his aviation skills and experiences by training tenstudents to license status. Healso shared his “extreme” ballooning experiences, i.e. openbasket flights at 28 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, durations up to23 hours with over one hundred volunteers and his technical team ashe attained the highest achievable FAI (Federation AeronautiqueInternationale) proficiency level, which been awarded to only 21balloonists worldwide. In addition to flying, winning, andorganizing Nebraska competitive ballooning events, he was a frequentspeaker at national ballooning seminars and Nebraska elementaryschools. In2017 he was inducted into the Nebraska Aviation Hall of Fame and in2021 into the BFA’s National Ballooning Hall of Fame. AsNebraska Balloon Club President (2001 to 2019), he served as thecommunity coordinator for assisting communities staging ballooningevents. Heactively sought individuals seeking a new experience in life who hadspecial needs and provided balloon flights to paraplegics, terminallyill, blind, infirmed, and the aged. After50 years of flying, achieving three world records, floating at speedsof 97 mph, flying solo in an open basket to 33,000 feet, and pilotingover 40 consecutive successful marriage proposal flights, hisgreatest joy in ballooning was seeing the smiles a balloon flightbrought to his passengers and crew. CareerInformation: Aftercompleting a PhD in Nuclear Engineering at Iowa State University in1969, Dr. Jaworski was employed by the Omaha Public Power District(OPPD) where he managed the technical and engineering areassupporting the operation of the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station until heretired in 2012. Areas of his technical expertise and responsibilityincluded support of nuclear plant operations, reactor core design,nuclear fuel cycle planning, plant efficiency, nuclear licensing,plant life extension, environmental surveillance, plant modificationdesign/installation, and emergency preparedness. He also made OPPDpresentations to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and served onindustry wide management organizations. FamilyInformation: TheJaworski family centers around Paula, wife of over 54 years. Sheworked as a high school English teacher and guidance counselor forten years before retiring to be a stay-at-home mom for our threechildren. When the oldest started college Paula started a cateringbusiness. After 21 years of catering, she again retired and nowenjoys being grandmother to five grandchildren. Ourchildren, -Pam, a family practice physician, lives in Maple Grove, MN withhusband Paul and sons Erich and Henrick.-Jane, a pharmacist, lives in Blair, NE with husband Brad.-Steve, a computer engineer, lives in Papillion, NE with wife Erin,and children Evelyn, Miles and Liam. Nephew– Adam Jaworski, an Omaha police officer, HAB pilot, FAA License,December 2018 (Omaha, NE) RecentBallooning Activities
– Donation of light weight tanks to the Balloon Federation of America (BFA) Topromote and encourage the advancement of ballooning through theFederationAeronautique Internationale(FAI) world record program, six light weight carbon fiber fuel tankswere donated by Rich to the BFA for use by record aspirants. Theserare and expensive tanks were placed in storage in Albuquerque, NMand are available for loan from the BFA. (2021) – Donation of AX Duration World Record Balloon System to the BFA Museum Mountingand display of the two-envelope system with flying harness, burner,and a fuel tank in the BFA Museum used by Dr. Jaworski to attainmultiple world duration records (2006 – 2011) and one distance record(2011) OtherActivities:
– St. Francis Borgia Parish Choir – (Blair, NE) – St. John’s Parish Choir (Creighton University – Omaha, NE) – Sacred Heart Parish Choir – (Omaha, NE) OtherPrevious Activities
– Omaha Triathlon Participant (Age group winner) – Pathfinder Barbershop Chorus – Fremont, NE – Tourist in Europe and the Mediterranean